I finally figured out how to change the post editor, so hopefully this makes it a little easier to read.
November 9

I know that I've taken lots of sunrises so far, but this one was really pretty. By far the best one yet.
November 10

This is my current book I'm reading. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
November 11

Now that it gets darker earlier, the sun sets on my way home from work. This is over the Owens Corning world head quarters along the Maumee River.
November 12

This was another day of no clouds and sunny. This is a new boat dock area added to the future Marine District Project. Eventually there will be apartments, shopping areas, etc to this area.
November 13

I wanted to take some pictures around Promenade Park along the Maumee River. There is a chain that runs along the river. There are lots more photo ops so I may be going back when there's snow.
November 14

I was on my wa home from the library and saw that downtown Sylvania was decorated for the holidays. I was stopped at the light when I took this.
November 15

All along downtown Sylvania are these horse posts. Years ago, that's where people used to tie up their horses when they vistied. I took lots of pictures there of the holiday decorations and likes this one best.
November 16

I was on my way home from the grocery store and saw this. When they were filling up their gas tank, they must have set the drink on the back. It fell off as soon as they turned the corner onto the road.
I wanted to do a theme day of the week. So I choose doorway Wednesdays. I saw this idea on another blog. So each Wednesday, I'm going to take a picture of different doors I see.
November 17

I kept seeing a church steeple when I would leave downtown Toledo. I decided to see where it was. These are the main doors to the Historic Church of Saint Patrick. I've heard it on the news all the time but never knew where it was. Now I do. I didn't try to get inside. I hear it is really pretty.
November 18

This is my bingo bag, yup N'Sync. I've been playing bingo for a few years now. One day I was at Toys R Us and saw this in the clearance rack for a $1. How could you go wrong with an N'Sync lunch box turned bingo bag.
November 19

My two friends and I went to a local sports bar/pizza restaurant. The pizza was good, but the dessert was even better. They have bread balls which balls of bread with cheese on top. These are the dessert balls. Dough with chocolate mousse filling and on top, drizzled with chocolate sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the middle. They were so good.
November 20

This is one of the old buildings in the warehouse district in Toledo. I thought it was fun with the pink walls and mint green doors.
November 21

The makers of Bananagrmas made Pairs in Pears. This is a game where you build pairs of words. It's pretty fun.
November 22

My mom and I went to see New Moon. In the theater they have Alice in Wonderland movie posters. I can't wait until March 5 to see it.
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