I decided to do a week of fall colors in the area. They're about at peek color and wanted to get pictures before all the leaves fall off the trees. All of the pics were taken at
Wildwood Metro Park and Toledo Botanical Gardens except on Oct. 17. That was taken at my parents. The weather this week sucked, which is why all
the pictures have a cloudy sky.
October 17

This last one is taken at my parents house. When the sun is shining, the colors almost glow.
October 16

The trees are like an arch over the paved trail.
October 15
Again, it had rained earlier in the day. I walked down a wooden boardwalk and came across this lonely leaf.
October 14
I took a picture of this bush a week earlier and it was a bright yellow. Now it is changing to a red/brown.
October 13

This was looking up through a tree that was yellow and slowly changing to red. The red leaves were at the top.
October 12
It had rained earlier in the day and knocked
some of the
sassafras leaves off the trees.
Fall is so beautiful :-)