August 16

Me with the 3-D glasses watching Coraline
August 16

One of many bon fires we have at my parents. It was a really nice night for one.
August 14

My hubby Ross singing some karaoke.
August 13
I was playing around with the shutter speed on my camera. I tried to make an S, but it didn't work out so well. I got this fun design.
August 12
Some flowers at the Toledo Botanical Garden.
August 11
Just before it started t rain.
August 10

The sun about dinner time.
August 9
My husband's was house/pet sitting for his friends. This is Nilla. You just gotta love that face :o)
August 8

Foreigner was the main band at this years NW Ohio Rib Off. The lead singer climbed the stage tower.
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